This heartwarming musical is set in the early 20th century in the fictional town of Pine Valley on the Canadian frontier. The story follows Elizabeth Thatcher, a young, well-educated teacher from a wealthy family, who moves to the small coal-mining town to start her teaching career. Adjusting to the challenges of frontier life, Elizabeth finds herself at odds with the local Mountie, Jack Thornton, but their relationship gradually evolves into a romantic connection.
Following its journey from a best-selling novel, to film, to TV and finally to the stage, fans of this story are finding this musical stage version more captivating than ever with its humor, intriguing romantic twists, and its compelling musical score filled with unforgettable songs that bring these beloved characters to life on the stage. Long-time fans and newcomers alike are finding When Calls the Heart – The Musical to be an irresistible evening of theatrical magic.
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